Minister, Community Wellness
Karen Shea 416-222-5417 ext. #202 I began working at CAUC in January of 2019 as Minister for Community Care. This position subsequently evolved into its current designation as Minister for Community Wellness. Through this ministry I hope to support all facets of that which makes us healthy, whole and engaged people, meaning I focus on our physical, spiritual, emotional and mental wellness. This ministry also supports ways of looking at, and actively supporting, the wellness of our planet, believing we each have been given the role of steward in caring for all of God’s creation. The action of caring for, and giving evidence of kindness, justice and hope to all we meet, forms the cornerstone of this ministry. How wonderful that I can support this ministry in a faith community that has chosen Kindness, Justice and Hope as its tag line! I’ve been fortunate to have lived in numerous locations all over Canada. I was born in Montreal - then over a period of many years, lived in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, back in Quebec again, Ontario several different times and locations, far northern Manitoba in an Indigenous community, and in Alberta. It was difficult as a young child, moving so often. But as an adult, I have had nothing but positive experiences, learning much from the various places I have lived, and the people I have met. I have a graduate degree in Pastoral Ministry & Theology, along with training in the area of Spiritual Direction. I also have a degree in Horticulture & Landscape Design, with a specialty in Horticulture as Therapy. I have found that these two seemingly diverse areas of specialty actually support and enhance each other perfectly, particularly in my role here at Cummer, with my focus on pastoral care and community wellness. Drawing from both these traditions, I have found many overlaps which I can develop and offer to our congregation, and to the community beyond our doors. In my spare time, along with my niece, I manage a small cottage business that creates botanically based skin care items, based on the Calendula plant that we grow from seed. This keeps us hopping from May till January & is a wonderful opportunity to learn new skills and meet new people. When not doing any of the above, favourite pastimes include cooking, reading, knitting and trying to perfect my chocolate chip cookie recipe – still working to find the perfect recipe!
Church Administrator
Heather Miller 416-222-5417 ext. #200 I joined the staff of Cummer Avenue United Church in October 2014, having spent over 20 years working in various human resources roles for a large financial services company. I first came to Cummer Avenue UC (then Newtonbrook) in 1979, when my family moved into the neighbourhood – having previously lived in Montreal and Ottawa. I quickly got involved in Sunday School, Explorers, and – when I was a little older – Youth Group. After high school, I attended Queen’s University – studying English and French – but I returned to the neighbourhood and the church after graduation. Over the years I was involved in many activities and groups, including co-chairing both the Outreach and Worship Committees (not at the same time), serving on Joint Pastoral Relations, teaching Sunday School, doing Sanctuary décor. When not at work I enjoy reading and knitting. My “happy place” is a cottage north of Kingston, where I like to swim, canoe, and just sit on the dock in the sun.
Director of Music Ministries
Taylor Sullivan I studied at the University of Toronto and the Royal Conservatory of Toronto, I have served as a church musician for over 30 years and have been the Director of Music Ministries at Cummer Avenue United Church since 1992. Under my leadership, a strong music program continues, one that embraces songs from all around the world and features a wide variety of styles and genres of music. I am also the director of the Victoria College choir and organist for Victoria University at the University of Toronto. Throughout my career, I have endeavored to offer audiences musical programs that are well balanced and of high musical standards. No matter the venue, Taylor brings experience and passion to inspire audiences both at home and abroad. Visit the Music page for details on the Music Ministry at CAUC