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Faith study groups

There are many opportunities for sharing ideas and learning

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Study groups

Faith is a journey, unique to each person.  We encourage you to continue to challenge yourself along the way, by considering joining one of our study groups.


Groups are usually offered during the Lent and Advent seasons, and at other times depending on need and interest.

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In addition to our study groups, our Minister for Community Wellness arranges for many opportunities to gather in groups – small or large, in-person or on Zoom, indoors or outdoors – addressing a variety of wellness needs that deal with our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Be it a chance to share ideas and thoughts with others, to reflect quietly through a guided process, or to spend time in the outdoors on an accessible forest therapy trail – the possibilities are varied!

All are welcome to attend these events!



53 Cummer Avenue, Toronto, ON, M2M 2E5



Phone: 416-222-5417


Office hours


Monday to Thursday

8:30am to 4:00pm


8:30am to 12pm

  • CAUC Youtube page
  • CAUC Facebook page
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