Cummer Avenue United Church is hiring a part-time Office Assistant (20 hours / week on a contract basis) to help with various office and building-related tasks.
This position has the potential to become permanent full-time as we finalize our administrative and building needs.
Reports to: Church Administrator
Position Duties:
Assist the Church Administrator with various office and building activities, including:
Bulletin/Announcements Preparation / Printing
Using input provided by others (Minister, Music Director, Church Administrator/Minister Community Wellness) for other service elements) prepare the weekly bulletin and announcements.
PowerPoint Preparation
Prepare the PowerPoint for display during the weekly worship service
Congregational Communications
Prepare regular emails to the congregation, including Weekly Highlights, Invitation to Worship and other miscellaneous emails.
Social Media
Upload Sermon to YouTube and our Website
Facebook / Instagram / Other
Other Website maintenance
Use of Space
Using information provided prepare signage, including Week-at-a-Glance, Room Signs and Digital Signage
Quarterly Newsletter
Periodic update to digital lawn sign
“other duties as assigned”
Skills and Abilities:
Strong communication skills in English, both written and verbal.
Ability to work with a wide variety of people, including members of the congregation, volunteers and guests.
Strong technical abilities with Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, as well as social media platforms such as Facebook and email platforms such as MailChimp.
Comfortable working in a Church community.
Good organizational skills.
Term and Hours of Work: 20 hours/week for 6 months. Standard working days are Monday to Friday. Hours of work are generally during office hours, subject to adjusted hours as required. Days and hours per day may be negotiable, with possibility to work remotely on occasion. This position has the potential to become permanent full-time as we finalize our administrative and building needs.
Application Information:
Applicants may submit their application in writing by mail addressed to:
Cummer Avenue United Church
53 Cummer Avenue
North York, ON M2M 2E5
Attention: Church Administrator
Or by email to: and include “Application – Office Assistant” in the subject line.
Cummer Avenue United Church appreciates the interest of all applicants but will respond only to those selected for an interview.